Advent Calendar Shawl Pattern (Knit) 2020
This pattern was made to go with our 2020 advent calendar, which contained 24x 20g/80m of fingering weight bamboo cotton blend yarn (total 1920m). You don’t have to use 24 different colours, and can just use up any scraps you may have. We have some lovely bamboo cotton yarn in stock, or can make a pack up for you if want for around 70 pounds.
The finished shawl measures 65cm x 220cm approx.
You will need 3.25mm circular needles with a length of at least 80cm.
We will not be knitting in the round, the circular needles are to accommodate the length of the shawl.
This pattern is designed to use with our bamboo/cotton blend yarn but will suit any fingering weight yarn. You will need approx. 1920 meters.
As the pattern is written for 24 80m/20g mini skeins you can use them in any order.
All stitches are slipped purlwise.
Please email for pattern support, we are happy to help!
Day 1
Using you prefered method cast on 450 stitches.
Knit 7 rows, then Purl 1 row.
Day 2
Lay your work flat with the working yarn on the right hand side,take the stitch marker and clip it to the front of your work. We will now refer to this side as RS (right side) and the opposite side WS (wrong side), if you are ever unsure the marker will help you to know which side is which.
Leaving day 1 yarn attached to your work, with RS facing join day 2 yarn and knit 1 row.
We will now do something you may not have done before but will do a lot in this pattern. Instead of turning your work, with RS facing knit 1 row with day 1 yarn.
Now turn your work and with WS facing Purl 1 row in day 2 yarn.
Keep WS facing and Purl 1 row in Day 1 yarn. You have now made stripes!
Now repeat these 4 rows again. Briefly written your will with RS facing knit 1 row with day 2 yarn, then with RS facing knit 1 row in day 1 yarn. Then turn work and with WS facing purl 1 row in day 2 yarn, then with WS still facing purl 1 row in dy 1 yarn. Now break day 1 yarn.
Day 3
Row 1: Join day 3 yarn (with RS facing) and knit 2 stitches, then knit 2 stitches in day 2 yarn. Repet this until end of row.
Row 2: Turn and purl 2 stitches in day 3 yarn, then purl 2 stitches in day 2 yarn 2. You should be purling the same colour stitches with each other.
Row 3: With RS facing knit 2 stitches in yarn 2, then knit 2 stitches in yarn 3 and repeat to end of row.
Row 4: Turn and purl 2 stitches in yarn 2, the purl 2 stitches in yarn 3 and repeat to end.
Row 5: As row 1
Row 6: As row 2
Now we will use yarn 3 only, but do not break yarn 2, you can carry it up the side.
Row 7: With RS facing. K1, *YO, K2tog. Repeat from * to end, knit last stitch.
Row 8: Turn, P1, *YO, P2tog. Repeat from * to end, purl last stitch.
Repeat rows 7 & 8 3 times (6 rows), then break yarn 3.
Now with yarn 2 only, begining with RS facing, knit 6 rows and break yarn.
Day 4
With RS facing join the day 4 yarn. The below is knitted in day 4 yarn only.
Row 1: Knit 1 row.
Row 2: Knit 1, slip 1 and repeat to end. (We slipped purlwise but as long as you are using the same each time it doesnt matter if you slip knit or purl wise)
Row 3: Knit 1 row.
Row 4: Knit 2, *slip 1, knit . Repeat from * to end.
Rows 5 to 8: As rows 1 to 4.
Row 9: Knit 1 row.
Day 5
Row 1: With RS facing join day 5 yarn (day 4 yarn will currently be at the other end of your work)and knit 1 row.
Row 2: Turn your work and with WS facing and with day 4 yarn purl 1 row,
Row 3: Turn and with RS facing knit 1 row with day 4 yarn.
Row 4: Turn again and with WS facing purl 1 row with day 4 yarn.
Rows 5 and 6: Now with WS facing purl 1 row in day 5 yarn, turn work and knit 1 row in day 5 yarn.
Rows 7 and 8: Now with RS facing knit 1 row in day 4 yarn, turn and purl 1 row in day 4 yarn.
Rows 9 and 10: As rows 5 and 6
Row 11: As row 5
Row 12: As row 3, now break day 4 yarn.
Now using only day 5 yarn…
Row 13: (RS should be facing)K1, *YO, K2, pass YO stitch over 2 knit stitches. Repeat from * to end
Row 14: (WS) Purl 1 row
Row 15: As row 13
Row 16: As row 14
Row 17: As row 13, now break yarn.
Day 6
With RS Facing join day 6 yarn and knit 1 row.
Row 2: K1, P1 repeat to end
Row 3: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * to last stitch, K1
Row 4: As row 2
Row 5: As row 3
Row 6: As row 2
Row 7: As row 3
Row 8: As row 2.
Day 7
Row 1: With RS Facing Join yarn 7 and K1 , Slip 1 to end.
Row 2: Turn and purl 1 row in yarn 7.
Row 3: With RS Facing Knit 1 row in yarn 6.
Row 4: As row 1
Row 5: As row 2
Row 6: With WS facing purl 1 row in yarn 6.
Repeat these 6 rows. Break yarn 6. With Yarn 7 Repeat rows 1 and 2, then knit 4 rows. Break yarn 7.
Day 8
With RS Facing join yarn 8 , knit 1 row BUT wrapping the yarn around the needle 3 times (loosely) for each stitch.
Row 2: With RS still facing carefully and gently knit 1 row in day 7 yarn dropping the extra wraps as you go. Break yarn 7.
With WA facing knit 5 rows in yarn 8.
Day 9
Row 1: With RS facing join yarn 9 and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: Turn and with WS facing, in day 9 yarn, K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * to last stitch, K1.
Row 3: With RS facing Knit 1 row in yarn 8.
Row 4: With WS facing Knit 1 row in yarn 8.
Rows 5-8: As rows 1-4
Row 9: With RS facing Knit 1 row in yarn 8, break yarn.
Now working with yarn 9 only…
Row 10: RS facing, K2, *sl1, K3, repeat from * to end.
Row 11: Turn (WS facing) and purl 1 row.
Rows 12- 19: Repeat rows 10 and 11 another 4 times each. Break day 9 yarn.
Day 10
With RS facing join day 10 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: With WS facing purl 2 together BUT leave the stitches on the left needle, then purl into the first stitch again (2 stitches made on right needle) and allow the stitches to now drop from left needle. Repeat to end.
Row 3: With RS Facing Knit 1 row.
Row 4: As row 2 except knit the 1st and last stitch.
Rows 5 to 8: As rows 1-4.
Rows 9 to 12: As rows 1-4, break yarn.
Day 11
With RS facing join day 11 yarn, knit 4 rows.
Row 5: (with RS facing)KFB every stitch to end.
Row 6: Turn and P2tog to end.
Row 7: RS facing, purl 1 row.
Row 8: With WS facing, knit 1 row.
Day 12
With RS facing join day 12 yarn and knit 1 row.
Row 2: With WS facing and day 12 yarn Purl 1 row.
Row 3: With RS facing and day 11 yarn Knit 1 row.
Row 4: WS facing, with day 11 yarn Purl 1 row. Break day 11 yarn.
Row 5: With RS facing and day 12 yarn Knit 1 row.
Row 6: As row 2.
Day 13
With RS facing join Day 13 yarn and knit 1 row.
Row 2: WS facing Knit 1 row with day 13 yarn.
Row 3: With RS facing and day 12 yarn knit 1 row.
Row 4: With WS facing and day 12 yarn purl 1 row.
Rows 5 and 6: As rows 1 and 2.
Row 7: With RS facing k1 in yarn 12, K1 in yarn 13 and repeat to end.
Row 8: Turn and with WS facing P1 in yarn 12 then P1 in yarn 13 and repeat to the end.
Rows 9 and 10: As rows 7-8.
Rows 11 and 12: AS rows 7-8.
Row 13: RS facing Knit 1 row in day 12 yarn.
Row 14: WS facing Kit 1 row in day 12 yarn, break yarn.
Row 15: RS facing Knit 1 row in day 13 yarn.
Row 16: With WS facing purl 1 row in yarn 13.
Day 14
With RS facing join day 14 yarn and knit 1 row.
Row 2: With WS facing in day 14 yarn Knit 1 row.
Row 3: With Rs facing Knit 1 row in day 13 yarn.
Row 4: With WS facing purl 1 row in Day 13 yarn. Break yarn.
Rows 5 and 6: As rows 1-2.
Row 7: With RS facing K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * to last stitch, K1.
Rows 8-12: As row 7.
Now Knit 5 rows and break yarn.
Day 15
With RS facing join day 15 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: With WS facing Knit 1 row.
Row 3: K1, *YO, K”, Pass YO stitch over the 2 knit stitches, REpeat from * to end.
Row 4: With WS facing Purl 1 row.
Day 16
With RS facing join day 16 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: With day 15 yarn , RS facing, K1, *YO, k2, Pass YO stitch over 2 knit stitches, Repeat from * to end.
Row 3: With Day 15 yarn, WS facing, Purl 1 row.
Row 4: With day 16 yarn, WS facing, Purl 1 row.
Row 5: As row 2.
Row 6: As row 3.
Row 7: As row 1.
Row 8: As row 2.
Row 9: As row 3, break yarn 15.
Row 10: As row 4.
Row 11 and 12: Knit 2 rows with yarn 16.
Day 17
At this point you can either break yarn 16 and reattach later, or carry it up the side of the work.
With RS facing join day 17 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: (WS) K2, *P2, K2, repeat from * to end.
Row 3: (RS) P2, *WYIF slip 2 purlwise, P2, Repeat from end.
Rows 4-11: Repeat rows 2 and 3.
Row 12 and 13: Purl 2 rows, break yarn.
Day 18
Row 1: With RS facing join day 18 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: With WS facing in day 18 yarn purl 1 row.
Row 3: With RS facing join day 16 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 4: As row 1.
Row 5: As row 2.
Row 6: With WS facing Purl 1 row in day 16 yarn.
Row 7-12: As rows 1-6
Rows 13-14: As rows 1-2, break yarn.
Row 15: As row 3.
Row 16: As row 6.
Day 19
With RS facing join day 18 yarn andKnit 1 row.
Row 2: With RS facing Knit 1 row in day 16 yarn, break yarn.
Now with day 19 yarn only…
*K1, YO, K2tog, repeat to end.
Repeat this row another 12 times, break yarn.
Day 20
With RS facing join day 20 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: (WS) P1, K1 to end.
Repeat these 2 rows another 5 times each.
Row 13: With RS facing Knit 1 row, break yarn.
Day 21
With RS facing join day 21 yarn and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: Turn and Knit 1 row.
Row 3: (RS)*K1, YO, repeat to last stitch, K1.
Row 4: (WS)K2tog, repeat to end
Row 5: (RS)Knit 1 row
Row 6: (WS)Knit 1 row.
Day 22
With RS facing join yarn 22 and Knit 1 row.
Row 2: With Yarn 22, WS facing, K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * to end.
Row 3: With RS facing, In yarn 21 Knit 1 row.
Row 4: With WS facing, in yarn 21, Knit 1 row.
Rows 5-8: As rows 1-4
Rows 9-12: As rows 1-4
Row 13: Knit 1 row in yarn 21, break yarn.
Now with yarn 22 only knit 5 rows, then cast off very loosely. Don’t sew in the ends just yet.
Day 23
Along the short edge of the shawl pick up 160 stitches using day 23 yarn.
When stitches are on the needle purl 1 row.
Now work as follows for a TOTAL of 34 rows;
Row 1: K1, P1 to end.
Row 2: P1, K1 to end.
Now if you want to work any scraps into this you certainly can, just be aware we are doing the same thing to the other end of the shawl so if you are perhaps half them for each end.
Now we will do an I cord bind off, but you can substitute this if you prefer a different bind off.
The I-cord is as follows.
Cast on 2 stitches. *Knit 2 stitches. Now on knit the next 2 stitches together but through the back of the stitch. Return all stitches to left needles, and repeat from * until end.
When 4 stitches remain on left needle, knit 2 stitches, pass first stitch over second. You now have 1 stitch on right needle and 2 on left. Knit the 2 on the left needle together through the back of the stitch. Pass back stitch over front, pull yarn through remaining stitch.
Day 24
I hope you liked what we did yesterday…if not chose your own stitch for this section and make you shawl unique! You will get at least 36 rows out of your skein before you need to cast off. Please refer to yseterdays clue for bind off instructions, or make up your own!
Now just (just!) weave in the ends. And you should have a very beautiful shawl!